User's Manual

Installation Manual The Accutech Systems 1-5
Figure 1.1
ES 2200 System Tag
(band not shown)
The ES 2200 System Tag
The ES 2200 System Tag (Figure 1.1) is a small wristwatch-sized
device that is worn by a resident or attached to an asset.
Two models are available:
LT = Long Term resident care
SB = Slotted Back; to be used on small infants and assets
When an ES 2200 System Tag enters a Tx Activation Field (near a
monitored zone), the ES 2200 System Tag activates and responds by
sending a signal via the Receiver to the Controller. This information is
processed by the Controller for appropriate control action or response
at the zone.
ES 2200 System Tags are attached to residents/assets with a nylon-
mesh vinyl band, are activated/deactivated using a TAD unit, and
contain a visual pulse LED.
Figure 1.2
IS 3200 System Tag
(band not shown)
The IS 3200 System Tag
In addition to the look and functionality of ES 2200 System Tags, IS
3200 System Tags (
Figure 1.2) are assigned to a specific resident or
asset (via the Tag Test Station and a computer with the Accutech
Software). The computer then associates the name, room number, and
any other helpful comments about the resident or asset with that Tag.
When the IS 3200 System Tag enters a Tx Activation Field (near a
monitored zone), the IS 3200 System Tag responds by sending a signal
via the Receiver to the Controller while the Multiplexer sends the
information to a computer with the Accutech Software and/or to
Graphic Display Panels (GDPs). This information is processed by the
Controller for appropriate control action or response at the zone.
IS 3200 System Tags are attached to residents/assets with a nylon-
mesh vinyl band, are activated/deactivated using a TAD unit, and
contain a visual pulse LED.