User's Manual

Installation Manual The Accutech Systems 1-7
Tag barcodes
Tag barcodes (Figure 1.7) contain a Tag’s
manufacturing history.
Figure 1.7 Tag barcode example
The coding scheme is as follows:
M” is the manufacturer designator.
WWYY” is the date code.
(“1706” would mean the 17
week of 2006)
T” is the tag type designator.
1 is for CB (Cut Band)
2 is for BR (Band Removal)
3 is for LT (Long Term)
4 is for SB (Slotted Back)
SSS” is the serial number for that tag type
manufactured during that week.
Visual Pulse LED
The Visual Pulse LED indicates the Tag’s current mode
see Table 1.1)
Table 1.1 Visual Pulse LED status
LED Light Pattern off on Tag LED Status
LT, SB Tags
Tag is off.
Active, not in zone
Active, in zone
BR, CB Tags
Tag is off.
Active, not in zone,
non-Band Alarm
Active, in zone
(may be in Band Alarm)
Active, not in zone
Band Alarm mode,
Tag base color chart
Tag tops are smoke-colored while the Tag base color will
vary based upon Tag type (
see Table 1.2).
Table 1.2 Tag base color chart
Tag Type Base Color
CB White
SB Gray
LT Gray
BR Yellow