User's Manual

1-10 The Accutech Systems Installation Manual
Figure 1.16 Magnetic Switch
The Magnetic Switch
The Magnetic Switch (Figure 1.16) is used on a door when alarm
activation is not desired unless the door is open when a monitored
resident is near that door.
Figure 1.17
Passive Infrared Reader (PIR)
The Passive Infrared Reader (PIR)
A Passive Infrared Reader (PIR) (Figure 1.17) is a device that uses a
infrared sensor to monitor doors, hallways, corridors and passageways.
Like the Magnetic Switch, the PIR is used in areas where alarm
activation is not desired immediately upon Tag detection. It is used in
hallways or other areas where a Magnetic Switch would not be
Figure 1.18 Local Alarm
The Local Alarm
The Local Alarm (Figure 1.18), a piezo-signaling device, is intended to
attract attention near the monitored zone only.
Figure 1.19 Central Alarm
The Central Alarm
The Central Alarm (Figure 1.19) is a multi-tone alert. It consists of a
tone generator that operates Speakers located throughout a facility.
There are eight different tones available. You may choose to assign a
separate tone for each zone, share the same tone for adjacent zones or
use one tone for all zones.
Figure 1.20 Speakers
The Speakers
The Speakers (Figure 1.20) provided by Accutech are 8-ohm speakers
and used in conjunction with the Central Alarm.