GMEL # 2003.10
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Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Firefighters should wear positive pressure self-contained breathing
apparatus and full protective clothing. Fight fire from a distance or protected area. Cool fire exposed
batteries to prevent rupture. Use caution when handling fire-exposed containers (batteries may explode in
heat of fire).
Hazardous Combustion Products: Thermal degradation may produce hazardous fumes of lithium and
manganese; hydrofluoric acid, oxides of carbon and sulfur and other toxic by-products.
Notify safety personnel of large spills. Irritating vapors and flammable may be released from leaking or
ruptured batteries. Eliminate all ignition sources. Evacuate the area and allow the vapors to dissipate.
Clean-up personnel should wear appropriate protective clothing to avoid eye and skin contact and
inhalation of vapors or fumes. Increase ventilation. Carefully collect batteries and place in an appropriate
container for disposal. Remove spilled liquid with absorbent and contain for disposal.
Avoid mechanical or electrical abuse. DO NOT short circuit or install incorrectly. Batteries may explode
pyrolize or vent if disassembled, crushed, recharged or exposed to high temperatures. Install batteries in
accordance with equipment instructions. Replace all batteries in equipment at the same time. Do not carry
batteries loose in a pocket or bag.
Storage: Store batteries in a dry place at normal room temperature.
The following occupational exposure limits are provided for informational purposes. No exposure to the
battery components should occur during normal consumer use.
Chemical Name Exposure Limits
Manganese Dioxide 5 mg/m3 Ceiling OSHA PEL
0.2 mg/m3 TWA ACGIH TLV
1,2-Dimethoxyethane None Established
Propylene Carbonate 2 mg/m3 Ceiling ACGIH TLV
Lithium None Established
Lithium Trifluoromethane Sulfonate None Established
Carbon Black 3.5 mg/m3 TWA OSHA PEL/ACGIH TLV
Ethylene Carbonate None Established
Graphite (natural-non-fibrous) 15 mppcf TWA OSHA PEL
2 mg/m3 TWA (respirable dust) ACGIH TLV
Graphite (synthetic non-fibrous) 5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable dust), 15 mg/m3 TWA
(total dust) OSHA PEL
2 mg/m3 TWA (respirable dust) ACGIH TLV
Ventilation: No special ventilation is needed for normal use.
Respiratory Protection: None required for normal use.