User's Manual

RFID Base Station
Falling edge
The falling edge always occurs when the gateEv is off, that is, a pallet is passing. Whenever gateEv is
activated the pallets are locked, then the passing time can not be calculated. To achieve this, the
variable blankTempoColl is set to true.
On the falling edge of the following actions take:
1. if the variable BlankTempoColl is not true, then the on time of the photocell pallet is count to cal-
culate the speed of passage to determine if the pallet is fast / slow (PALLET_FAST, PALLET_SLOW)
or too fast / slow (PALLET_TOO_FAST, PALLET_TOO_SLOW ). It will still reset the variable blankTem-
poColl to allow the calculation to the next falling edge.
2. based on the speed, is calculated the delay for the generation of the deviation signal
3. whether the pallet was in the list runs the action associated with it:
(a) the command was ADD_EMPTY_PALLET
i. the state is PASSEMPTY (you did not enable the photocell of the tube while the pallet
passed) then is sent the message DIVERTED
ii. the state is PASSFULL (you have activated the photocell of the tube while the pallet
passed) then is sent the error TUBE_PRESENT_WHEN_NOT_EXPECTED
iii. the skipCnt counter is not exhausted, then is sent the error PALLET_TOO_SLOW
(b) the command was ADD_FULL_PALLET
i. the state is PASSEMPTY (you did not enable the photocell of the tube while the pallet
passed) then is sent the error TUBE_ABSENT_WHEN_NOT_EXPECTED
ii. the state is PASSFULL (you have activated the photocell of the tube while the pallet
passed) then is sent the message DIVERTED
iii. skipCnt the counter is not exhausted, then is sent the error PALLET_TOO_SLOW
4. whether the pallet was on the list but there is no room for divert, then is sent the error
5. whether the pallet was on the list but the node is offline, then is sent the error
6. whether the pallet was not on the list, and has not been detected an error in the previous stages,
then it is diverted and the message of presence or absence of the tube (PASSEMPTY / PASSFULL)
without error is sent
The calculation of the delay to divert is calculated with the following proportion:
palletT ime
gateP hotocellDistance
3.1.3 Logic of start motor
The activation of startMot signal occurs after the counter PulseDelayCnt has exhausted its value, and
holds for a fixed time of 10 ms.
PulseDelayCnt is preset by the deviation delay calculated above, or by the fixed value of 2s when
the divert command it is received via CANopen.
Sirius Electronic Systems s.r.l. 19