User's Manual

Chips and readers- USER’S GUIDE
UG 2
Version 1.0
The various steps in INSIDE’s chips management are the following :
! Set the used key (if your application is secured)
! Select a chip
! If it is a multi-application chip, select the page in which you
want to work
! Read, Write data in the chip memory
! Halt the chip to enable another chip selection
Using INSIDE couplers, authentication and signature calculations are
managed automatically by the SELECT_PAGE or the SELECT_CARD
command. Just indicate in these commands that you want to use the
security features.
In this chapter is just indicated the way and the functions and commands
to use to reach your goal. Please refer to the Reference Manuals for more
information about the functions and its parameters.
In this chapter you will also learn :
! !
! !
! how to manage the various protocol at low level or with the
activeX component
! !
! !
! how to make a chips inventory and select a chip within several