User Manual

Table Of Contents
Chips and readers- USER’S GUIDE
UG 17
Version 1.0
This chapter explains how to communicate with any chips that follow the 13.56MHz
standards : 15 693, 14 443 Type A and B. More over, you will find there how to
communicate with the FeliCa chip (SONY).
Note : users will find there the commands to use to send byte to the chip, and to get the
chip answer, but we will not mention the way to manage these chips. User has to refer to
the chip datasheet or ISO standards to find more information about these chips.
When communicating with a chip, and particularly a microprocessor, user may need to
increase the time out value.
The TimeOut configuration enables the user to change the value of the TRANSMIT
command to be sure that no ISO command will fail because a too short timeout.
Users can change 4 timeout values corresponding to the 4 Timeout "slots" that one can
use in TRANSMIT command:
Timeout 0 (command timeout option = b00) : Address h68
Timeout 1 (command timeout option = b01) : Address h69
Timeout 2 (command timeout option = b10) : Address h6A
Timeout 3 (command timeout option = b11) : Address h6B
Where "b" prefix is for binary value, "h" is for hexadecimal
To put a specific value for one of these TimeOut "slots", developper can use the following
ISO 14443 (A-B) : TimeOut = X . 380µs + 200µs
ISO 15693 : TimeOut = (X << 2) . 380µs + 200µs
Where X is the value of the byte and << is the operation that execute a binary right shift
of the byte value.
15 693-3 PROTOCOL
This example shows how to configure the protocol, then how to send the INVENTORY
Public sub Sample_15693()
‘ Configure USER protocol as 15693
Mx.MxUserProtocol = mupISO_15693_3_10pc
Low level command : use the SetStatus function
‘Mx.SetStatus &H3, &H5E, &H21
‘Mx.SetStatus &H3, &H5F, &H31
' Send Inventory command "1 slot" to retrieve chip serial number
Command = "$36$01$00$00"
CommandSize = &H04
AnswerSize = &H0A
UserProtocol = &HF3
Mx.Transmit UserProtocol, AnswerSize, CommandSize, Command, ChipAnswer
' Send slot marker for anticollision management
Mx.Transmit &H73, &H0A, &H00, «», ChipAnswer
End Sub