Data Sheet

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Chips and readers- USER’S GUIDE
UG 18
Version 1.0
ISO 14 443 TYPE A
Public sub Sample_14443_A()
‘ Configure USER protocol as 14443-A level 3
Mx.MxUserProtocol = mupISO_14443A_3
' Low level : use the set status command
‘Mx.SetStatus &H03, &H5E, &H32
‘Mx.SetStatus &H03, &H5E, &H12
‘Mx.SetStatus &H03, &H64, &H63
‘Mx.SetStatus &H03, &H65, &H63
' Use the SelectCard command to manage anticollision
Mx.SelectCard &H00, &H08, Type_SN
'Send the RATS command :
Buffer length = 32
Name the card as card 0
Command = "$50$00"
CommandSize = &H02
AnswerSize = &H06
UserProtocol = &HF3
Mx.Transmit UserProtocol, AnswerSize, CommandSize, Command, ChipAnswer
End Sub
ISO 14 443 TYPE B
Public sub Sample_14443_B()
‘ Card selection with the select Card command : manage the anticollision
Mx.SelectCard &H00, &H04, Type_SN
‘Send REQB command
Command = "$05$00$00"
CommandSize = &H03
AnswerSize = &H0C
UserProtocol = &HF2
Mx.Transmit UserProtocol, AnswerSize, CommandSize, Command, ChipAnswer
End Sub
' Low level : use the set status command to configure the protocol
Mx.SetStatus &H03, &H5E, &H79
Mx.SetStatus &H03, &H5E, &H02
Mx.SetStatus &H03, &H64, &H00
Mx.SetStatus &H03, &H65, &H00
' Send a command to the chip and retrieve the answer
Command = "$06$00$FF$FF$00$01"
CommandSize = &H06
AnswerSize = &H12
UserProtocol = &HF7
Mx.Transmit UserProtocol, AnswerSize, CommandSize, Command, ChipAnswer