Data Sheet

Table Of Contents
Hand'IT-2G -Preliminary Datasheet
DS - 9
Version 1.1
This chapter describes :
! How to power the coupler
! How to communicate with the coupler
Physical Description
The host is connected to the Compact Flash Hand’IT 2G using a standard 50pin
The host must be equiped with a CF+ type 1 or 2 slot.
Refer to the host user manual for the Compact Flash card insertion.
Electrical Description
The HandIT 2G acts as a standard PC Card ATA using I/O Mode.
Refer to PC Card standards for details.
Power supply
To power up the coupler, just insert the device into a CF type I or II slot.
Note that opening the associated COM port will power on the device and closing will
Power it off.
Refer to the host operating system for more details.
Description Min. Typical Max. Unit
DC voltage 3,135 3,3 3,465 V
RF active current 50 TBD mA
Idle Mode current 5 TBD mA
Standby current 50 TBD µA
Electrical characteristics