User's Manual

Page 25
This function loads into the coupler’s security module a key to be used for authentication and security purposes.
Key loading is a security sensitive operation. In order to protect the confidentiality of the keys transferred to the
coupler, data is encrypted. A 4-byte checksum is also sent in order to guarantee the authenticity of the data,
which could be corrupted either through transmission errors or by a deliberate attempt to fraud the system.
Refer to «Coupler’s key loading» chapter for more information about security and the way to calculate
encrypted key and checksum.
Command sent : D8h
Command type : ISO In
P1 : Parameter used for key operations
00: Load and activate the key pointed by P2.
01: Deactivate the key pointed by P2 (Forbidden option to Exchange Key Ke).
02: Delete the key pointed by P2 (Forbidden option to Exchange Key Ke).
Others value are reserved for future use.
Note :
With the 00 option, this command will replace the old value of the key with the
new value.
With the 01 and 02 options, the command has to be sent with 12-byte data at any
value (Data = XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX).
When a key is deactivated, you need to reload it to reactivate the key.
P2 : Key number
00h - Exchange Key Ke: used for key loading operation.
01h - Debit Key Kd0
02h - Credit Key Kc0
03h - Debit Key Kd1
04h - Credit Key Kc1
0Fh - Debit Key Kd7
Couplers - Reference Manuel V1.3
80h D8h P1 P2 OCh Data
D8h 90h 00h