Installation Sheet

Property Damage: Do not pinch or break copper
tubing. Do not distort the last 1 inch of tubing.
From under the sink, place the
semi-circular mounting plate onto
the threaded stud.
Place hex nut onto the threaded stud.
Ensure faucet head is at desired angle.
Insert screwdriver into hole on side of
hex tool (creating a “T”), and use tool
to tighten nut and secure faucet.
Semi-circular mounting plate should
encircle all descending tubes and
extend beyond sink hole when tight.
Ensure that the black O-ring is
properly seated in the base of the
dispenser head (the groove on the
underside of the dispenser).
Feed tubes down through the hole
in the sink or countertop until the
base is at rest on the sink or
countertop surface.
Unpack dispenser components.
On a firm, flat surface, carefully
straighten the copper tubing.
To ease feeding of tubes through hole,
first insert blue tube with quick-connect
attachment and then insert the remaining tubes.
Make sure to use rubber O-ring
to ensure proper seal.
INSTALLING THE FAUCET - 1100/2200/2215
An assistant may be needed to
hold the dispenser head in place while
securing the dispenser.