Programmer's Manual

Table Of Contents
Programmer Model 2740 English 5
Sensing Setting Terms
Table 1-3 defines terms related to sensing settings.
Table 1-3. Sensing Setting Terms
Term Definition
Exhalation The end of inhalation as determined by the generator. The generator detects that
exhalation has occurred when a decrease in the sensor signal meets the
exhalation sensitivity and threshold criteria. When therapy is turned on, the
generator starts to deliver stimulation when it determines that inhalation has
occurred, and it stops stimulation when it determines that exhalation has
occurred or when the maximum stimulation time expires.
Exhalation sensitivity This setting determines at what speed (slope) of decrease in the sensor signal the
generator will detect an exhalation. Increasing exhalation sensitivity configures
the generator to detect exhalations on more gradual decreases in the sensor
signal; decreasing exhalation sensitivity configures the generator to only detect
exhalations on more rapid decreases in the sensor signal.
Exhalation threshold This setting controls the height that the sensor signal must reach before the
generator will attempt to detect an exhalation. Increasing the exhalation
threshold causes the generator to look for exhalations more often; decreasing the
exhalation threshold decreases how often the generator looks for exhalations.
This setting allows for the management of signal artifacts that can cause the
generator to detect extraneous exhalations.
Note: This is an advanced setting.
Inhalation The start of inhalation as determined by the generator. The generator detects that
inhalation has occurred when an increase in the sensor signal meets the inhalation
sensitivity and threshold criteria. When therapy is turned on, the generator starts
to deliver stimulation when it determines that inhalation has occurred, and it
stops stimulation when it determines that exhalation has occurred or when the
maximum stimulation time expires.
Inhalation sensitivity Inhalation sensitivity determines at what speed (slope) of increase in the sensor
signal the generator will detect an inhalation. Increasing inhalation sensitivity
configures the generator to detect inhalations on more gradual increases in the
sensor signal; decreasing inhalation sensitivity configures the generator to only
detect inhalations on more rapid increases in the sensor signal.
Note: This is an advanced setting.
Inhalation threshold This setting controls the height that the sensor signal must reach before the
generator will attempt to detect an inhalation. Increasing the inhalation threshold
causes the generator to look for inhalations more often; decreasing the inhalation
threshold decreases how often the generator looks for inhalations.
Note: This is an advanced setting.
Invert signal A feature that switches the polarity of the sensor signal before the generator
processes it for inhalations and exhalations.
This feature could be used to correct a situation in which stimulation is being
delivered during exhalation instead of inhalation.