Programmer's Manual

Table Of Contents
Programmer Model 2740 English i
Explanation of Symbols iii
Explanation of Symbols on Package Labeling and Device iii
How to Use this Guide ix
Chapter 1: Therapy Overview 1
Introduction 1
Terminology 2
Therapy Icons 7
Chapter 2: Programmer Components 9
Package Contents 9
Chapter 3: Getting Started 17
Turning On the Programmer 17
Starting a Session 20
Exiting a Session and Turning Off the Programmer 29
Chapter 4: Screen Descriptions 31
Common Screen Elements 31
Start Screen 34
Programmer Settings Screen 35
Home Screen 36
Patient Details Screen 41
Adjust Stimulation Screen 43
Adjust Sensing Screen 49
Select a Patient Screen 53
Reports Screen 55
Stimulation History Screen 59
Sensing History Screen 60
Chapter 5: Clinical Programming Sessions 61
Introduction 61
When To Use Workflows 61
Generator Implant 61
Initial Activation 67
Follow Up 70
Sleep Study 76
Exporting a Report 81
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting 83
Communications 83
Tablet 84