Programmer's Manual

Table Of Contents
Programmer Model 2740 English 33
Programmer Cable Status
The programmer cable connection status displays one of the following messages in the lower-left corner of all
programming screens.
Programmer Cable Connected — Wireless link between tablet and programmer cable is established.
Status background color is blue. Programmer cable controller status light is fully lit (see Figure 3-5).
Connection buttons are enabled.
Searching for Programmer Cable — Wireless link between tablet and programmer cable is not
established. Status background color is white with pulsing border. Controller status light is partially lit
(see Figure 3-5). Communication buttons are disabled.
Demo Mode Wireless link between tablet and programmer cable is not active, but programmer may
be used for demonstration. Status background color is pink.
Programmer Battery Status
The programmer battery status displays one of the following messages in the bottom-center of all screens if
the battery is low or depleted.
Battery Low — The programmer battery is nearing depletion and should be connected to power supply
Recharge Battery — The programmer must be attached to the power supply to prevent an automatic
Current Date and Time
The current date and time display in the lower-right corner of all programming screens as follows.
Current date — Displays on all screens in a DD Month YYYY format.
Current time — Displays on all screens in a 24-hour format.