Programmer's Manual

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Programmer Model 2740 English 37
Therapy Status
It is important to review this information at the start of each session.
Amplitude Change — Displays No Patient Change when the patient has not changed the therapy
amplitude set during the last session.
If the patient has changed the therapy amplitude since the last session, both the last session value and
the new patient-selected value display along with a gold change flag as shown in Figure 4-7.
Usage — The number of hours Inspire therapy has been used since the last programming session. The
average usage per week also displays in parentheses.
Battery The generator battery has three status values: Good, Low, and Depleted. If the battery status
displays Low or Depleted, the physician should plan to replace the patient's generator.
Last Session — The date of the most recent programming session.
Figure 4-7. Patient Therapy Status
This section provides access to guided clinical activities that may be performed during a session and displays the
status of those activities for the current session.
The workflow activities performed are determined by the clinician. The activities do not need to be performed in
any specific order, and the programmer has no requirements for how many activities are performed in a session.
Follow up
Button accesses the Follow Up screen which guides the user through adjusting settings to improve
comfort or efficacy. See “Follow Up” on page 70 for more information.
Status Indicators:
Not Performed indicates activity has not been started (Figure 4-8).
Started indicates the Follow up workflow has been started but not fully completed.
Done with a check mark indicates activity has been completed.
Last session value
Patient selected value
Change flag