Programmer's Manual

Table Of Contents
70 English Programmer Model 2740
End Session
Before ending the Initial Activation session:
1. Confirm that therapy is turned off.
2. Confirm the patient has the desired amplitude and control range.
3. Confirm that the Initial Activation Workflow has been completed.
4. Select the Exit button on the Home screen.
Figure 5-10. End Initial Activation - Home Screen
Retain Records
Export a session report if desired. See “Exporting a Report” on page 81 for instructions.
Follow Up
The goal during Follow Up is to review and adjust stimulation settings to promote effective and comfortable use
of Inspire therapy.
Follow Up Overview
Start Session
Review Therapy Status
Start Follow Up Workflow
Basic Follow Up
Advanced Follow Up
End Session
Retain Records
Start Session
Turn on the programmer and start a session by connecting to the generator.
Review Therapy Status
Review the information displayed in the Therapy Status section of the Home screen. Note usage hours and any
amplitude changes that the patient has made since the last visit, which are indicated by gold change flags. Talk to
the patient to assess how effectively the patient is using the therapy.