User's Manual

Communication Failures
2. Press Discard. The PDM will consider the Pod lost, and ask
whether you want to activate a new Pod.
Failure During Request for Status
If you turn on the PDM or press Status and the PDM cannot
communicate with the Pod, it displays a communication icon
(Figure 11-9). Below the icon is a soft key labeled Skip.
1. Wait until you see the “Pod status not available” screen
(Figure 11-10).
Or press Skip to skip the communication process and imme-
diately bring up Figure 11-10.
If you have an unconfirmed correction bolus when you
discard a Pod, then the bolus calculator will be temporar-
ily disabled. In this situation, the bolus calculator is dis-
abled until the duration-of-insulin-action period passes
(Figure 11-8). If you have any questions, call Insulet Cus-
tomer Support, 800-591-3455, 24 hours/7days (from
outside the United States, 781-457-5098).
Figure 11-8
Figure 11-9 Figure 11-10