User's Manual

Example of meal IOB
Duration of insulin action: 3 hours
Time since previous meal bolus: 2 hours
Previous meal bolus: 4.5 units
3 hours – 2 hours = 1 hour
1 hours ÷ 3 hours = 1/3
1/3 4.5 units = 1.5 units meal IOB
In other words, two hours after your previous meal bolus, you
have received 3 units of insulin from it; 1.5 units of insulin are still
working to cover your meal.
Examples of suggested bolus calculations
The examples below use these settings:
Target BG: 100 mg/dL
I/C ratio: 1:15
Correction factor (CF): 50
Duration of insulin action: 3 hrs
Example 1
Current BG level: 150 mg/dL
Carb intake: 0 grams of carbohydrate (carbs)
Meal IOB: 1 units
Correction IOB: 1 units
Correction bolus: 150 mg/dL (current) – 100 mg/dL (target) = 50
50 ÷ 50 (CF) = 1 unit
Meal bolus: 0 (carbs) ÷ 15 (I/C ratio) = 0 units
Suggested bolus dose = 1 (correction) + 0 (meal) 2 (IOB) = 0U
Example 2
Current BG level: 150 mg/dL
Carb intake: 45 carbs
Meal IOB: 0 units
Correction IOB: 0 units
Correction bolus: 150 mg/dL (current) – 100 mg/dL (target) = 50
50 ÷ 50 (CF) = 1 unit
Meal bolus: 45 (carbs) ÷ 15 (I/C ratio) = 3 units
Suggested bolus dose = 1 (correction) + 3 (meal) 0 (IOB) = 4U
Meal IOB is only used to reduce a correction bolus,
and the correction bolus is only reduced until it
becomes 0 units.