User's Manual

Your New OmniPod Insulin Management System
Status support screen
From the Status screen, press the User Info/Support button to
see details about the current insulin on board (IOB) in your body
(Figure 1-5).
Home screen
Lists all the major menus (Figure 1-4 on previous page).
Bolus menu to deliver bolus doses
More actions menu to change the Pod, manually enter
blood glucose readings, assign and edit tags for BG readings
that are less than 2 hours old, and view the food library.
Temp basal menu to deliver temporary basal rates (This
submenu does not appear if Temp basal is turned Off in
My records menu to review insulin delivery, blood glucose
history, alarm history, carb history, and personal user informa-
Settings menu to edit, enter, and name basal programs,
temp basal, carbohydrate, and bolus presets, and to custom-
ize System settings
Suspend menu to suspend, cancel, or resume insulin
delivery programs
Figure 1-5
You can go to the Status screen at any time by
pressing Status from the Home screen.