User's Manual

Using the OmniPod
The OmniPod Change Process
You should replace the OmniPod at least once every 48–72 hours
(2–3 days), or as instructed by your healthcare provider. You can
also choose to have the PDM alert you when it is time to replace
the Pod (see Chapter 6, Using the Personal Diabetes Manager).
Do NOT apply or use an OmniPod if its sterile packaging is
open or damaged, as this may increase the risk of infection.
OmniPods are sterile unless packaging has been opened or
Do NOT apply or use an OmniPod if it is damaged in any way.
A damaged Pod may not work properly.
To minimize the possibility of site infection, do NOT apply an
OmniPod without first using aseptic technique. This means to:
Wash your hands.
Clean the insulin vial with an alcohol prep swab.
Clean the infusion site with soap and water.
Keep sterile materials away from any possible germs.
Do NOT use the OmniPod if you are sensitive to or have
allergies to acrylic adhesives or have fragile or easily dam-
aged skin.
Check often to make sure the OmniPod and soft cannula are
securely attached and in place. A loose or dislodged cannula
may interrupt insulin delivery.
Do NOT apply a new OmniPod until you have deactivated
and removed the old Pod. A Pod that has not been
deactivated properly may continue to deliver insulin as
programmed, putting you at risk of overinfusion and possible
Because insulin Pods use only rapid-acting insulin, users are
at increased risk for developing hyperglycemia (high blood
glucose) if insulin delivery is interrupted. If it is untreated,
severe hyperglycemia can quickly lead to diabetic ketoacido-
sis (DKA). DKA can cause breathing difficulties, shock, coma,
or death. If insulin delivery is interrupted for any reason, you