User's Manual

Using the Personal Diabetes Manager
6. For Bolus reminders
Use the Up/Down Controller buttons to choose On or
Off, then press Select.
•If you chose On, you are taken to a new screen where you
can add, edit or delete reminders:
To add a Bolus reminder
a. Use the Up/Down Controller buttons to choose [add
new], then press New.
b. Choose a start time, then press Next.
c. Choose an end time, then press Save.
To edit a Bolus reminder
a. Choose the bolus reminder you wish to edit, then
press Edit.
b. Choose Edit, then press Select.
c. Enter a new start time, then press Next.
d. Enter a new end time, then press Save.
To delete a Bolus reminder
a. Choose the bolus reminder you wish to delete, then
press Edit.
b. Choose Delete then press Select.
c. Press Delete to remove the bolus reminder.
7. For Custom alerts
Use the Up/Down Controller buttons to choose [add
new], then press New.
To use the OmniPod Systems default naming system, sim-
ply press Next. The default naming system automatically
assigns alert names in numerical order, such as alert 1,
alert 2, alert 3.
If you want to give a different name to the custom alert:
a. Use the Up/Down Controller buttons to scroll
through the list of characters. An up-and-down-arrow
symbol on the screen indicates the character you are
b. Press the middle soft key to move the underscore to
the next character.
c. Enter each character one at a time. For example, for a
reminder to pick up a prescription, you might enter
R, x (Figure 6-9 on next page). (A blank character or
space is the first and last option in the scrolling menu.)