User Manual

Table Of Contents
Checking Your Blood Glucose
Editing Tags
Within 2 hours of a blood glucose reading, you can remove or
change a tag or add one. However, you cannot alter a Control tag.
1. On the Home screen, use the Up/Down Controller buttons
to choose More actions, then press Select.
2. Choose Assign/Edit BG tags, then press Select.
3. Use the Up/Down Controller buttons to choose a reading,
then press Tag (Figure 7-34). A User Info/Support icon (?) is
shown to the right of any reading to which you have already
assigned one or two tags.
Or press Done to return to the More actions menu.
4. Use the Up/Down Controller buttons to choose the first tag
you want, then press Select (Figure 7-35). A diamond icon
appears next to selected tags, as in Pre-meal in the figure. You
can select up to two tags for each BG reading.
5. To remove a selected tag, highlight it and press Clear. (The
soft key changes from Select to Clear when you highlight
the tag.)
6. Press OK to return to the list of readings.
7. If no BG readings have been entered into the PDM within the
past 2 hours, you will see the screen in Figure 7-36. Press OK
to return to the More actions menu.
Figure 7-34
Figure 7-35
Figure 7-36