User Manual

Table Of Contents
betes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)
A study by the National Institute of Diabetes and Diges
tive and
Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), conducted from 1983 to 1993 in
people with type 1 diabetes, which showed that good blood
glucose control significantly helped prevent or delay diabetes
Diabetes, diabetes mellitus
A condition characterized by hyperglycemia (high blood glucose)
resulting from the body’s inability to use blood glucose for energy.
In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas no longer makes insulin and
therefore blood glucose cannot enter the cells to be used for
energy. In type 2 diabetes, either the pancreas does not make
enough insulin or the body is unable to use insulin correctly.
Diabetic ketoacidosis (see Ketoacidosis)
Duration of insulin action
The length of time that certain types of insulin remain active and
available in your body after a bolus. This duration can vary greatly
depending on the type of insulin you take. Only use rapid-acting
insulin with the OmniPod
Insulin Management System.
Extended bolus
A feature of the OmniPod System that allows a meal bolus dose to
be given over an extended period of time.
One of the three main energy sources in food. (The othe
r two are
carbohydrate and protein.) Fat is a concentrated source of energy,
providing 9 calories per gram. Foods high in fat include oils, mar-
garine, salad dressings, red meat, and whole-milk dairy foods.
The indigestible part of plant foods. Foods that are high in fiber
include broccoli, beans, raspberries, squash, whole-rain bread,
and bran cereal. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate but does not raise
blood glucose levels as other carbohydrates do.
Food Library
The OmniPod System includes a reference library of over 1,000
common food items. The library shows each items carbohydrate,
fat, protein, fiber, and calories for a single portion.
The items in the food library are derived from the USDA data-
base, USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.
A simple sugar (also known as dextrose) used by the bod
y for
energy. Without insulin, the body cannot use glucose for energy.
BThe Food Library is for reference only. (Food refer-
s contained in the library cannot be populated
and used for calculations.)