User Manual

Table Of Contents
Understanding and Delivering Bolus Doses
2. Press Yes to cancel the active extended bolus (Figure 4-13).
r press Back to return to the Suggested Meal Bolus screen.
3. Press Confirm (Figure 4-14).
4. The screen displays the amount of the old extended bolus
that has yet to be delivered (Figure 4-15). Press Next to return
to the Suggested Meal Bolus screen.
Bolus Presets
Bolus presets are bolus amounts that you program for frequent
use. For example, if you often take the same bolus at lunchtime,
you can create a bolus preset for that amount and name it
You can add what remained of the old extended
bolus to the new one.
Figure 4-13
Figure 4-14
Bolus presets are available only when the suggested
bolus calculator feature is turned Off. (If the suggested
bolus calculator is turned On, you can still use carb pre-
sets. See Carb Presets on Page 39.)
Figure 4-15