Product Info

18Browsing Your History and Records
18.1. About Your Recent History and Past Records
e Omnipod 5 app can store 90 days of history records. Once the memory is full,
new records begin to replace the oldest records. You can browse, but not edit the
information in your records.
Your records are displayed on:
CGM Graph (recent)
History Detail screens, which show insulin, glucose, carbohydrate, Pod
events, and Auto Events
History of alarms and notications can be viewed in the Notication and
Alarms screen.
18.2. Viewing the CGM Graph
e CGM Graph can be viewed from the
Home screen in both Manual Mode and
Automated Mode.
To view the CGM Graph:
¾ On the lower right part of the Home
screen, tap VIEW.
To exit the CGM Graph:
¾ Tap the (X) located in the top right corner
of the graph.
Effective Date: 22DEC2020, PCO-000267