Product Info

Alarms, Action and Reminder Notications20
20.10. Silencing Alarms
You can usually silence Pod or Omnipod 5 app alarms by tapping a button on the
alarm screen displayed on your Omnipod 5 app. If the alarm continues, or if you
are discarding a Pod and want to prevent a future alarm, follow the directions in
this section.
Pod alarm
To permanently silence a Pod alarm:
1. If the Pod is on your body, remove it.
2. Peel back a little bit of the adhesive
pad from the bottom of the Pod at the
square end (see gure).
3. Locate the alarm shut-o port to the
right of the gold circle. e alarm shut-
o port can be felt with a ngernail or
paper clip as a so plastic.
4. Firmly press a paper clip or similar
item straight down into the alarm shut-o port. You need to apply enough
force to break a thin layer of plastic. If an alarm is sounding, the alarm will
Controller alarm
If a controller alarm is not silenced when you tap the alarm screen's button:
1. Press and hold the Power button, then tap Power o.
2. Press and hold the Power button to turn the controller back on.
is action silences the controller's alarm. Your history records and personal
settings are preserved. However, you may have to conrm the time zone.
Fill port
Gold circle
Alarm shut-o
Press down rmly.
Effective Date: 22DEC2020, PCO-000267