Product Info

Issue Possible Cause What to do
CGM values no
longer show up in
the Omnipod5
app. Instead there
are dashed lines.
e DexcomG6
app does not
show a problem.
e most likely
reason for this
to happen is an
interruption in
between the CGM
and the Pod.
To minimize the risk of interruption,
make sure your CGM and Pod are
worn on the same side of the body.
Wireless communications do not
travel well through the body. For
example, if your CGM is worn on
the abdomen and the Pod is on the
back of the arm, the signal may be
interrupted. Try to keep the Pod and
CGM on the same side of the body to
maximize your time in Automated
You can also try deleting the CGM
transmitter serial number and re-
entering it.
¾ Go to: Menu icon ( ) >
Settings > CGM Transmitter.
is resets the communication
between the CGM and the Pod.
CGM values on
the DexcomG6
app look dierent
from those on the
Omnipod5 app.
Dexcom G6
app receives CGM
values directly
from the sensor.
e Omnipod 5
app receives CGM
values from the
Pod. Occasionally,
there is a slight
delay before the
value is updated
on the Omnipod 5
e dierence should be small.
¾ To bring the value up to date,
bring the Omnipod 5 app close to
the Pod.
Effective Date: 22DEC2020, PCO-000267