User's Guide

System Terminology and Navigation 2
Using a scroll wheel
Tapping an editable eld can bring up a scroll wheel. Place your
nger on the scroll wheel. Swipe up or down to select your desired
value. e faster you move your nger, the faster the wheel will
When your desired selection is shown in the center of the wheel,
select the value by tapping it or by tapping outside the scroll wheel.
Using a slider
Use sliders to select a value from a scale. Place your nger on
the small open circle and move your nger until your desired
value is displayed. Move your nger vertically in a circle
to move the slider. Move your nger clockwise for a larger
number and counterclockwise for a smaller number. Li
your nger when the desired value is displayed.
Selecting, adding, and deleting Items
Tap a toggle to change the selection from one side to the other.
Toggles allow you to turn a feature ON or OFF. e toggle is on the right
side and blue when a feature is ON, and on the le and gray when a feature
is OFF.
Add and delete buttons
A plus symbol in a circle indicates that you can add an item to a list. Tap the
plus symbol to add the item to the list.
A red x in a circle indicates that you can remove an item from a list. To
remove the item, tap the red x.
Before You
Effective Date: 22DEC2020, PCO-000267