Users Manual

8 Delivering a Bolus with the Bolus Calculator
8.4. Insulin On Board (IOB)
Insulin on board, also known as IOB or active insulin, is the amount of insulin
that is still "active" in the body from a previous bolus or from automated insulin
e Bolus Calculator considers current IOB when calculating a suggested bolus.
Insulin on board may come from:
Meal IOB - From previous meal boluses.
Correction IOB - Can be from previous correction boluses or from
automated insulin deliveries.
For more information, see "Bolus Calculator rules" on page 264 and "Bolus
Calculator equations" on page 263.
Note: If you do not enter your blood glucose or CGM value, the Bolus Calculator
will not adjust the meal bolus for IOB.
8.5. Adjustments to your Calculation
A suggested meal bolus calculated using your IC Ratio may be further adjusted
for other values (such as BG, CGM value and trend, and/or IOB) entered into and
used by the Bolus Calculator. ese adjustments can be for the following:
Insulin on board — either meal or correction IOB
Reverse correction, if this feature is turned ON and your glucose is below
your Target BG
BG value if manually entered
CGM value and trend (see "13.5. CGM Trend Arrows" on page 131)
8.6. Delivering an Immediate Bolus
e Total Bolus eld shows the proposed bolus. e amount of any IOB
adjustment appears below the Total Bolus eld.
Note: e EXTEND BOLUS option is available when the system is in Manual
Mode, there is a meal bolus, and the extended bolus setting is enabled.
Effective Date: 22DEC2020, PCO-000267