Product Info

Alarms, Notications, Communication Errors 10
10 Alarms, Notications, Communication Errors
Advisory Alarm List
Advisory alarms inform you of a situation that needs your attention in the near
ree advisory alarms (Pod Expired, Low Reservoir, and Auto-o) become
hazard alarms and result in a stoppage of insulin delivery if ignored. Be sure to
respond to all advisory alarms when they occur.
e individual advisory alarms are summarized here.
Pod Expired—Your Pod will stop delivering insulin soon. is escalates to
the Pod Expired hazard alarm if ignored. Both the Pod and PDM may sound the
Vibration/tone: Periodically, until acknowledged.
Message: Pod Expired. Change Pod now.
What to do: Tap OK. Change your Pod.
Low Reservoir—e volume of insulin in the Pod reservoir is below the
specied value. is escalates to the Empty Reservoir hazard alarm if ignored. To
change this value, see "Low reservoir level" on page 109. Both the Pod and PDM
may sound the alarm.
Vibration/tone: Once a minute for 3 minutes. Repeats every 60 minutes until
Message: Low Reservoir. <x> U insulin or less remain in Pod. Change Pod
What to do: Tap OK. Change your Pod.
Auto-O—You have not used your PDM in the Auto-o countdown period
that you specied. e Pod will stop delivering insulin soon if you do not respond
to this alarm. To enable or disable the Auto-o feature or to change the countdown
period, see "Pod Auto-o" on page 109. Both the Pod and PDM sound the alarm.
Vibration/tone: Once a minute for 15 minutes.
Message: Auto-O alert. Your PDM and Pod have not communicated in the
last <amount of time specied by you>. Tap OK to trigger a communication
between your PDM and Pod.
What to do: Tap OK to reset the Auto-o countdown timer to the beginning
of the countdown period.