User's Guide

Omnipod DASH™ Insulin Management System 11 Omnipod DASH™ Insulin Management System
Last bolus section
e lower le side of the Home screen displays bolus
Between boluses
When a bolus is not being delivered, the section is
labeled LAST BOLUS and shows the amount and time
of the most recent bolus.
During a bolus when the Bolus Calculator is on
When a bolus is being delivered and the Bolus
Calculator is on, the last bolus information is replaced
by an estimate of the Insulin on Board (IOB):
During an immediate bolus, the IOB estimate is
updated every ten seconds.
During an extended bolus, the IOB estimate includes IOB from previous
boluses, an estimate of the amount already delivered from the ongoing bolus,
and the amount projected to be delivered within the time period dened by
your Duration of Insulin Action setting.
During a bolus when the Bolus Calculator is o
When a bolus is being delivered and the Bolus Calculator is o, the lower le of
the screen shows the amount of the preceding bolus (not the ongoing bolus).
Bolus information if the PDM cannot communicate with the Pod
If the Pod is out of range of the PDM, and the PDM cannot conrm the recent
bolus amount, an estimated bolus amount is shown. Once the Pod is in range
again and the bolus delivery is conrmed, the conrmed bolus amount is shown.
Estimated and unconrmed bolus amounts
e PDM estimates bolus amounts during an ongoing bolus and when the Pod
is out of range. A gray icon ( ) marks estimated bolus amounts. A yellow icon
( ) marks unconrmed bolus amounts (see "When the Pod has not conrmed
bolus delivery" on page 97).
Bolus button
e Bolus button at the bottom of the Home screen provides access to
the bolus screen. e Bolus button does not appear while an immediate
bolus is being delivered, or when the Bolus Calculator is o and there is
no active Pod.