User's Guide

Omnipod DASH™ Insulin Management System 1
1 Omnipod DASH™ Insulin Management System
The Home Page's Menu
e Menu on the Home page lets you access
most of the PDM's functions. To display the
Tap the Menu icon ( ) in the upper le
corner of the Home screen.
Place your nger on the far le of the PDM,
and swipe right across the screen. Swipe le
to hide the Menu.
Tap an option on the Menu to bring up the
related screen.
Tip: e Menu extends beyond the bottom of
the screen. Swipe up or down to see all parts of the
Frequent tasks
e rst section of the Menu gives access to
frequent tasks: activating a temp basal, changing
your Pod, entering a blood glucose reading, and
suspending or resuming insulin.
Special situations:
Set Temp Basal is grayed-out if there is no
active Pod, insulin is suspended, or a temp
basal is already running.
Set Temp Basal does not appear if the temp
basal setting is turned o.
Suspend Insulin changes to Resume
Insulin if insulin delivery is suspended.
Suspend Insulin is grayed-out if there is no
active Pod.
Manage Programs & Presets
e next section allows you to create or activate
Basal Programs, temp basal presets, and bolus
presets (see "Managing Programs and Presets"
on page 81).
Special situations:
Temp Basal Presets is only visible if the temp basal setting is on.
Bolus Presets is only visible if the Bolus Calculator setting is o.