Users Manual

Living with Diabetes 1313 Living with Diabetes
Airport security
Prepare for your travel:
Airport security checks and screening procedures may change, so review the
airport website and the TSA website for travel updates before your trip.
Arrive at the airport 2-3 hours before your ight.
Have your insulin management supplies easily accessible to ensure that
airport security checks run smoothly.
Airport security oers the option of requesting a visual inspection of your medical
supplies rather than putting them through the X-ray. You must request this before
the screening process begins. Your medical supplies should be in a separate bag
when you approach the security ocer.
To prevent contamination or damage to your supplies, you should be asked at the
security checkpoint to display, handle, and repack your own supplies during the
visual inspection process. Any medication and/or associated supplies that cannot
be cleared visually must be submitted for X-ray screening.
If you are concerned about going through the walk-through metal detector, notify
the security ocer that youre wearing an insulin pump. You should advise the
security ocer that the insulin pump cannot be removed because it is inserted
with a catheter (tubing) under the skin.
Visit the TSA Contact Center if you have any further questions or concerns.
Note: Pods and PDMs can safely pass through airport X-ray machines (see the
"Omnipod DASH™ System Notice Concerning Interference" on page 194).
Flying and airplane mode
Warning: e atmospheric pressure in an airplane cabin can change during
ight, which may aect the Pod’s insulin delivery. Check your blood glucose
frequently while ying. If needed, follow your healthcare provider’s treatment
e PDM controls the Pod using Bluetooth® wireless technology. Before ying,
check your airline's policy regarding the use of Personal Medical Electronic
Devices that communicate using Bluetooth® technology.
If use of a Personal Electronic Device using Bluetooth® technology is allowed, set
your PDM to airplane mode while on the airplane (see "Airplane mode" on page
99). e Bluetooth® setting remains enabled in the PDM's airplane mode so you
can communicate with your Pod and BG meter. Airplane mode turns o your
PDM's Wi-Fi connectivity.
Note: e Omnipod DASH™ System is safe to use at atmospheric pressures
typically found in airplane cabins during ight. e Omnipod DASH™ System