Users Manual

Living with Diabetes 13
13 Living with Diabetes
blood glucose levels to rise too high. Contact your healthcare provider as needed
for guidance.
Possible causes of
Suggested action
Incorrect Basal Program
Conrm that the correct Basal Program is active.
Conrm that the PDM time is set correctly.
Consult your healthcare provider about adjusting
your Basal Programs or using a temp basal.
Incorrect bolus timing
or bolus too large
Take bolus with food.
Check blood glucose before giving a meal bolus. If
necessary, adjust the bolus.
Check the bolus size and timing.
Do not overcorrect for post-meal glucose levels.
Check carb intake.
Consult your healthcare provider for guidance.
Incorrect Target BG level
or incorrect Correction
or incorrect IC Ratio
Consult your healthcare provider about rening
these settings as needed.
Prone to severe
or hypoglycemia
Consult your healthcare provider about
hypoglycemia unawareness and about raising
Target BG levels.
Unplanned physical
Consult your healthcare provider about using a
temp basal (temporary basal rate).
Prolonged or intense
Adjust insulin delivery as instructed by your
healthcare provider.
Check blood glucose before, during, and aer
activity and treat as necessary.
Note: Eects of exercise can last several hours—
even a full day—aer activity ends.
Consult your healthcare provider about adjusting
your Basal Programs or using a temp basal.
Low carbohydrate intake
prior to activity
Check blood glucose before activity.
Consult your healthcare provider for guidance.