Users Manual

A1c (see Hemoglobin A1c)
Activation: e process of waking up a Pod and pairing it to a PDM so that the
Pod only responds to commands from that PDM.
Advisory alarm: Intermittent vibrations or beeps accompanied by a message
advising about an action that you may want to take to prevent a serious problem.
Aseptic technique: A method for maintaining sterilization and preventing
Basal Program: A daily schedule for continuous insulin delivery. It consists of
one or more segments, each dening a basal rate, that together cover the 24-hour
period from midnight to midnight.
Basal rate: A small amount of insulin that is delivered continuously over a
period of time. Basal rates are specied in units per hour (U/hr).
Basal segment: e time period during which a specic basal rate is delivered.
BG Goal Range: A user-dened range of desired blood glucose values. is range
is used in the history records to show which blood glucose values fall within this
Blood glucose / Blood glucose level: e amount of glucose, or sugar, in the
Blood glucose meter: A device used to check blood glucose level.
Bluetooth® (see wireless communication)
Bolus Calculator: A feature that suggests meal and correction bolus doses based
on your current blood glucose, the amount of carbohydrates you are about to eat,
the insulin-on-board, and several user-specic settings.
Bolus dose: A dose of insulin taken to correct an elevated blood glucose level (a
correction bolus) or to cover carbohydrates in a meal or snack (a meal bolus).
Bolus preset: A bolus dose of insulin that is assigned a custom name and stored
by the PDM for later use.
Calorie: A unit of measurement used to express the energy value of food. Calories
come from the carbohydrate, protein, and fat in food and drink.
Cannula: A small, thin tube inserted below the skin, which serves to introduce a
liquid medication into the body.
Carbohydrate bolus (see meal bolus)