Users Manual

Insulin on board (IOB) (active insulin): e amount of insulin that is still
active” in the body from a previous bolus dose. e Bolus Calculator tracks IOB
for you. e amount of time insulin remains “on board” or “active” depends on
your Duration of Insulin Action setting.
Ketoacidosis (see diabetic ketoacidosis)
Ketones: Acidic by-products that result from the breakdown of fat for energy. e
presence of ketones indicates that the body is using stored fat and muscle (instead
of glucose) for energy.
Manually-calculated bolus: A bolus amount of insulin chosen by you (not
calculated by the Bolus Calculator).
Maximum Basal Rate: Upper limit for basal rates in a Basal Program or temp
Maximum Bolus: e largest bolus that you can request from the PDM. e
Bolus Calculator informs you if it calculates a bolus that is over this amount.
Minimum BG for Calcs: e minimum blood glucose reading at which the
Bolus Calculator calculates a meal bolus. e Bolus Calculator is disabled below
this value. "For Calcs" means "for use in the Bolus Calculator's calculations."
Meal bolus (also known as carbohydrate bolus): An amount of insulin
administered before a meal or snack to ensure that blood glucose levels stay within
the desired BG Goal Range aer a meal.
Notications: An on-screen reminder or informational message.
Occlusion: A blockage or interruption in insulin delivery.
Pairing: Linking two devices so that they can communicate wirelessly with each
other. Aer a PDM and blood glucose meter are paired, they are referred to as
"paired devices." See also syn c.
Podders: People with diabetes or caregivers of people with diabetes who use the
Omnipod® system to manage their daily insulin needs.
Preset: A preset allows you to quickly enter a value that you use oen.
Protein: One of the three main energy sources in food. (e other two are
carbohydrate and fat.) Protein contains 4 calories per gram. Foods high in protein
include meat, poultry, sh, legumes, and dairy products.
Reverse Correction (negative correction): If your blood glucose level is below
your Target BG, the Bolus Calculator uses your Correction Factor to reduce a
portion of a meal bolus dose. is is an optional feature, which should be turned
on or o according to the advice of your healthcare provider.