Users Manual

About screen 19
Basal Program 78
Pod 37–50
temp basal 75
temp basal preset 77
active insulin. Seeinsulin on board
adhesive 2, 37, 47
advisory alarms 128–129
air bubbles 41
airplane mode setting 99
airport security 177
advisory 128–129
Auto-o 126, 128
empty reservoir 125
hazard 125–127
history records 89
low reservoir 128
occlusion 126
overview 121
PDM error 127
Pod error 126
Pod expired 125, 128
responding to 122
resume insulin 129
silencing if PDM cannot 135
sound and vibration pattern 124
system error 126
testing 105
timing of 146
allergy to acrylic adhesive 37
application, Omnipod DISPLAY 100
aseptic technique 40
Auto-o alarm 126, 128
description 148
setting 109
basal history records 92–98
Basal Program
about 150
activate 78
create 81
delete 85
edit 83
override. Seetemp basal
rename 83
review 82
suspend or resume 79
switch 78
basal rate 150
ow accuracy 190
maximum, setting 116
temporary. Seetemp basal
basal segment 150
Basal tab 12
battery, PDM
charge 22, 142
insert 143
low alarm 129
preserve 101
replace 143
type 141
BG Goal Range 114
BG meter, not-paired. Seemanual BG
reading entry
BG meter, paired
how to pair 114
interaction with PDM 149
renaming 114
unpairing 114
BLE. SeeBluetooth
blockage. Seeocclusion
blood glucose
BG Goal Range 114
HI and LO results 55