Users Manual

Understanding PDM and Pod Function 12
12 Understanding PDM and Pod Function
Example 5: Reverse correction on, eating 45 g carbs, BG of 75 mg/dL is
below target, no IOB
Duration of Insulin Action = 2 hours. You have not given yourself a bolus in the
past 2 hours, so there is no IOB (no meal IOB, no correction IOB).
Correction Bolus
- 0.5 U
Your blood glucose is below
your target, so a Reverse
Correction is calculated.
BG = 75, Target BG = 100
Correction Factor = 50
(75 -100) / 50 = - 0.5 U
(Reverse correction ON)
Meal IOB adjustment
Meal IOB = 0 U
N/A: Correction bolus is <= 0 U
No change in the reverse
correction bolus for two
reasons: IOB is zero, and IOB
is never subtracted from a
reverse correction.
Correction IOB adjustment
Correction IOB = 0 U
N/A: Correction bolus is <= 0 U
No change in the reverse
correction bolus for two
reasons: IOB is zero, and IOB
is never subtracted from a
reverse correction.
Meal Bolus
3 U
You are eating 45 g carbs.
With your IC ratio at 15
and no correction IOB
adjustment, the meal bolus
is 3 U.
Carbs = 45 g, IC Ratio = 15 g/U
45 / 15 = 3 U
Correction IOB adjustment
Remaining correction IOB = 0 U
3 U - 0 U = 3 U
No IOB, so no IOB
Calculated Bolus
2.50 U
The negative reverse
correction bolus reduces the
meal bolus.
Your Adjustment
0 U
With Reverse Correction set
to On and a blood glucose
below your target, the meal
bolus is reduced to allow
some of the meal carbs to
increase your blood glucose
towards your target.
Total Bolus
2.50 U