Users Manual

custom reminder
notication 131
setting 112
damaged PDM 141
Dashboard tab 12
data entry, how to 5
date and time 102–104
deactivate Pod 38
default settings 188
diabetes emergency kit 175
diabetic ketoacidosis 37, 184
diagnostic functions
check alarms 105
reset PDM 105
discard Pod 134, 147
DISPLAY app 100
distance between Pod and PDM 42
DKA. Seediabetic ketoacidosis
download soware update 107
dropped PDM 141
Duration of Insulin Action
sample calculations 161–162
setting 120
electrical interference 140
electrical safety 194
electromagnetic compatibility 194
emergency kit 175, 176
empty reservoir alarm 125
entering numbers 5
entering text 5
estimated bolus 97
exercise 186
expiration, Pod 109, 130
extended bolus
cancel 65
manually-calculated 63
progress 64
replace 65
setting 116, 117
understanding 155
using Bolus Calculator 60
ll syringe, insulin 41
rst time PDM setup 21
at rate (U/hr) setting
change setting 116
temp basal 151
ow rate accuracy 190
food bolus. SeeBolus Calculator
Food Library 66–74
browsing 69
carb lookup 67
create custom food 72
create meal 71
delete food or meal 73
edit MyFOODS 73
MyFOODS tab 68
forgotten PIN 11
glucagon kit 175, 179
hazard alarms 125–127
HIPAA privacy notice 202
history records
alarms 89
and date change 98
and time change 98
blood glucose 92–98
carbs 92–98
insulin, basal and bolus 92–98
notications 89
Home screen 12
hospitalization 186
hyperglycemia 181–184
avoiding 181
symptoms 181
treating 182
hypoglycemia 178–182
avoiding 179
symptoms 178
treating 179
unawareness 148