User Manual

Height Speakers-1
(Front High Speakers/Rear High Speakers)
These are types of height speakers. Furthermore, by
installing height speakers, you can select the Dolby Atmos
listening mode, which realizes the most up-to-date 3D
sound including overhead sounds, when the input format is
Dolby Atmos.
Front high speakers or rear high speakers should be
situated at least 3´/0.9 m higher than the front speakers.
Front high speakers should be situated directly above the
front speakers and the distance between the rear high
speakers should match the distance between the front
speakers. Both should be set up facing the listening
position. Note that with height speakers you can install up
to two sets; Height 1 Speaker and Height 2 Speaker.
0 "Speaker combinations" (P13) introduces some detailed
examples of speaker combinations.
9,10 Height Speakers
0 Front High Speakers
0 Rear High Speakers
> Before Start > Part Names >Install > Initial Setup > Playback > Advanced Manual
Troubleshooting | Supplementary Information, etc.
3´ (0.9 m)
or more
3´ (0.9 m)
or more
1: 22e to 30e,
2: 90e to 120e,
3: 135e to 150e