User's Manual

NewsCaster VT2 Features
M17-0002-01A Rev 0.0 13 User Manual
Figure 2: NewsCaster VT2, Simple Block Diagram
Nucomm’s NewsCaster VT2 Series Digital-
Analog ENG/OB microwave transmitter was
designed with the 2 GHz BAS Relocation in
mind, and is optimized for ENG/OB truck
applications. Nucomm has led the way in
creating the most comprehensive ENG/OB
transmitter available, with many state-of-the-
art features not found in any of the other
competing models.
Control Unit Features:
Fully integrated features of the Control Unit
(as shown in Figure 3) include:
Smart LCD Display for system control.
Six Quick-Key presets that allow single button
Integrated dynamic color bars.
Super low delay MPEG-2 using a 4:2:2 or
4:2:0 encoder.
Multi-Mode modulator that includes COFDM,
Analog FM and optional VSB, DVB-S or
QAM modulation.
High data rate HD transport.
Special menus to ease the BAS relocation
process. (U.S. only)
Antenna polarization selection, CW, CCW, H,
Omni/Directional antenna selection
Control of four Form C Relay Closures in the
RF Head (Optional).
Integrated Pan / Tilt Control (Optional).
Joystick for Pan / Tilt (Optional).
Digital & Analog Input Signals:
The NEWSCASTER VT2 Control Unit
accepts multiple input formats. These include:
Composite video (NTSC & PAL).
Digital video as SDI, with audio de-
Two analog audio (optionally four).
One digital AES/EBU audio (optionally two).
70 MHz.
The audio’s can be combined with the video
via the MPEG-2 encoder or the FM sub-
carriers. A key feature of the Newscaster VT2
is that the SDI video can be converted
internally to composite video and transmitted
as FM analog modulation. The Audio and
Video signal flow is shown in Figure 3.
In Digital mode, the NewsCaster VT2 accepts
video as SDI, ASI, or Composite, along with
LINE, Embedded, or AES audio(s), and
digitally compresses the signals using 4:2:2 or
4:2:0 MPEG-2 encoding. The encoded signal
is then internally modulated with one of the
user-selected formats: COFDM, or optional
QAM or VSB. (Refer to Figure 3).
For additional flexibility, an ASI Out port is
provided, enabling the NewsCaster VT2 to be
used as a standalone ASI Encoder
FM Mod
DVB-S or
Control Unit with Dynamic Color Bar/ID
Up Converter and
Power Amplifier
RF Output
Coax Cable
SDI Video
4 x Audio
2 switchable
To Digital
70 MHz
Note: Optional Lower Cost 4:2:0 Encoder Available
RF Head