User's Manual

CamPac2 Features
The CamPac2 was specifically designed for
portable use as a camera back transmitter or in
helicopters applications.
The CamPac2 features a fully adjustable
software modulator that can be re-configured
with multiple modulation formats in the field.
This is extremely important since, as new
modulation schemes emerge, the CamPac2
can be upgraded to meet customer
requirements as the customer’s needs change.
The CamPac2 has also been designed with an
integrated 4:2:2/4:2:0 MPEG-2 encoder, and a
COFDM modulator for multi-path tolerant
transmission/reception. Depending on the
video output or camera type, the CamPac2
accepts NTSC or PAL composite, component,
or SDI video.
Two physical audio inputs for a total of four
channels are selectable between standard
analog audio, and AES/EBU digital audio. An
embedded digital audio can be selected, if it is
present within the input SDI video signal.
Optional BISS encryption is available.
Depending on which mode the unit has been
set to, (in the System menu, under the Power
Control option), either TXPower Auto OFF
or – TXPower Auto ON, users can choose
from the fixed Power Control settings, (25mW
or 100mW) – or – for special circumstances,
users can scroll through the rotary dial for a
flexible, variable output that runs between 0
and 51 (depending on the unit). For more
information regarding the set up of TX Power
Modes and Power Control Outputs, refer to
the Operation section.
The CamPac2 utilizes four programmable
presets to allow rapid selection of different
transmitter parameters. These are fully
configurable and can be modified via the
Front Panel sensor wheel and LCD menu
selections. For more information on Presets,
see the section in this document entitled,
The CamPac2 normally receives its primary
power from a “clip-on” battery. However,
located on the bottom panel of the CamPac2 is
a four-pin XLR connector for use with an
external DC power supply.
This connection is designed to add flexibility
in certain system configurations, such as
installation in vehicles or aircraft.
In the default state, the unit will output an RF
signal immediately upon powering up. It is
recommended that an antenna or terminating
load is connected to the RF connector.
The CamPac2’s RF output can be muted, via
the MAIN MENU/STANDBY selection. By
placing the unit in standby mode, the user may
safely replace antennas or tune the unit
without radiating any emissions.
When the unit is in standby mode, the LCD
will display “STBY” in the upper left corner.
When the unit is taken out of standby mode,
the LCD will display “TX” and the CamPac2
will output RF at the selected power.