User's Guide

Table Of Contents
restoring 49
right side components 4
screen brightness action keys 12
Section 508 accessibility standards
56, 57
security cable, installing 41
serial number, computer 13
service labels, locating 13
Setup Utility (BIOS) passwords 39
shipping the computer 36
shutdown 29
exiting 28
initiating 28
Sleep and Hibernation, initiating 28
memory card reader 6
Disk Cleanup 34
Disk Defragmenter 34
locating 3
software installed
locating 3
software updates, installing 41
sound. See audio
sound settings, using 20
speaker volume action keys 12
connecting 19
identifying 10
special keys, using 11
standards and legislation,
accessibility 56
stop action key 12
switch screen image action key 12
system restore point, creating 49
tap TouchPad and touch screen
gesture 23
three-nger swipe TouchPad
gesture 26
three-nger tap TouchPad gesture
touch screen gestures
one-nger slide 27
using 23
TouchPad and touch screen gestures
tap 23
two-nger pinch zoom 24
TouchPad buttons
identifying 8
TouchPad gestures
four-nger tap 25
three-nger swipe 26
three-nger tap 25
two-nger slide 24
two-nger tap 24
TouchPad zone, identifying 8
transfer data 22
traveling with the computer 14, 36
turning o the computer 29
two-nger pinch zoom TouchPad and
touch screen gesture 24
two-nger slide TouchPad gesture
two-nger tap TouchPad gesture 24
unresponsive system 29
updating programs and drivers 35
USB SuperSpeed port with HP Sleep
and Charge, identifying 4
USB SuperSpeed port, identifying 5
USB Type-C port with HP Sleep and
Charge, identifying 4
USB Type-C port, connecting 22
using passwords 38
using the keyboard and optional
mouse 27
using the TouchPad 23
vents, identifying 4, 6, 13
HDMI port 20
USB Type-C 22
wireless displays 22
video, using 20
adjusting 12
mute 13
backup 49
recovery media 49
system restore point 49
Windows Hello 19
using 40
Windows key, identifying 11
Windows passwords 38
Windows tools, using 49
wired network (LAN) 18
wireless button 15
wireless certication label 14
wireless controls
button 15
operating system 15
wireless light 15
wireless network (WLAN)
connecting 16
corporate WLAN connection 16
functional range 16
public WLAN connection 16
wireless network, securing 41
WLAN antennas, identifying 7
WLAN device 14
WLAN label 14
WWAN device 17
Index 63