
Mechanical Specifications
130 Intel
Processor 9300 Series and 9500 Series Datasheet
4.6 Processor Mass Specifications
The typical mass of the Intel
Processor 9300 Series and 9500 Series is 55 g.
This mass [weight] includes all the components that are included in the package.
4.7 Processor Materials
Table 4-4 lists some of the package components and associated materials.
Lead and other materials banned in Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
Directive are either (1) below all applicable substrate thresholds as proposed by the EU
or (2) an approved/pending exemption applies.
Note: RoHS implementation details are not fully defined and may change.
4.8 Package Markings
Bottom side marks on the package substrate provide the necessary processor
identification and tracking information. This information is captured in Table 4-5 and
their locations are illustrated in Figure 4-10.
1. VID (Visual Identification): Is a unique number which can be used for the purpose of tracking the
processor. It is used by Intel to retrieve processor related information.
2. FPO (Finish Process Order): Is a unique number. It can be used for tracking purposes. It is used by Intel to
retrieve processor and shipping order information.
Table 4-3. Processor Package Insertion Specification
Package Durability Limit
1248-Land FCLGA 15
Table 4-4. Package Materials
Component Material
Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS) Nickel Plating over Copper
Substrate Fiber-Reinforced Resin
Package Lands Gold Plating over Nickel
Table 4-5. 1248 FCLGA Package Marking Zones
Zone Engineering Samples Production Units
Zone A
2D Matrix Mark: VID
Zone B
Visual Identification (VID) Mark
Line 2: Mask and Copy Right Date Codes
Line 1: Product Name
Line 2: Mask and Copy Right Date Codes,
Lead Free product designator
Zone E
Zone F Finish Process Order (FPO) and Serial #
Zone G
Processor ID
Zone H
2D Matrix Mark: Finish Process Order (FPO) and Serial #