
System Management Bus Interface
146 Intel
Processor 9300 Series and 9500 Series Datasheet
49 31h Minimum Intel
QuickPath Interconnect
Link Transfer Rate
6 bcd digits Minimum Intel
Interconnect Link Transfer rate
for this part in MT/s
4.8 GT/s = 004800
31h = 00
32h = 48
33h = 00
50 32h
51 33h
52 34h Intel
Interconnect version
4 8-bit ASCII Hex
QuickPath Interconnect
version number supported by
01.0 =
34h = 0x30
35h = 0x2E
36h = 0x31
37h = 0x30
53 35h
54 36h
55 37h
56 38h Memory Support flags Hex Bit[0] FBD1 Support (LSB)
Bit[1] MB1 Support
Bit[2] MB2 Support
Bits[7:3] (MSBs) reserved
1 = supported, 0 = not supported
0x01 = FB-DIMM 1 only
0x02 = MB1 only
0x03 = FB-DIMM 1 and
MB1 supported
0x04 = MB2 only
0x06=MB2 and MB1
(Intel® Itanium®
Processor 9500 Series)
57 39h Maximum Memory
Transfer Rate
6 bcd digits Maximum Memory Transfer rate
for this part in GT/s
800 MT/s = 000800 GT/
39h = 00
3Ah = 08
3Bh = 00
58 3Ah
59 3Bh
60 3Ch Minimum Memory
Transfer Rate
6 bcd digits Minimum Memory Transfer rate
for this part in MT/s
800 MT/s = 000800 GT/
3Ch = 00
3Dh = 08
3Eh = 00
61 3Dh
62 3Eh
63 3Fh Uncore Voltage ID 4 bcd digits Voltage in four 4-bit Hex digits (in
1200 mV = 1200
3Fh = 00
40h = 12
64 40h
65 41h Uncore Voltage
Tolerance, High
2 Hex digits Edge finger tolerance in mV, + 20 mV = 0x14
66 42h Uncore Voltage
Tolerance, Low
2 Hex digits Edge finger tolerance in mV, - 20 mV = 0x14
67 43h RESERVED Hex Reserved for future use 42h = 0x00
43h = 0x00
68 44h
69 45h Checksum Hex Add up by byte and take 2's
70 46h L3 (LLC) Cache Size 4 bcd digits Size of the Cache, in MB. 24MB = 0024
46h = 24
47h = 00
71 47h
72 48h Cache Voltage ID
(Intel® Itanium®
Processor 9300 Series)
Itanium® Processor
9500 Series
4 bcd digits
(Intel® Itanium®
Processor 9300
2 Hex digits
(Intel® Itanium®
Processor 9500
Voltage in four 4-bit bcd digits (in
mV) (Intel® Itanium® Processor
9300 Series)
Reserved for future use
(Intel® Itanium® Processor 9500
1163 mV = 1163
48h = 63
49 = 11
(Intel® Itanium®
Processor 9300 Series)
48h = 0x00
49h = 0x00
(Intel® Itanium®
Processor 9500 Series)
73 49h
Table 6-1. Processor Information ROM Data (Sheet 3 of 6)
Sec # Offset Field Name Data Type Description Example