
Processor 9300 Series and 9500 Series Datasheet 155
System Management Bus Interface
6.4.6 Package Data Package Revision
This section describes the package revision location at offset 4Fh-53h used to capture
package technology. This field tracks the highest level revision. It is provided in ASCII
Hex format of five characters.
This field is at offset 4Fh through 53h for the substrate layout design. Substrate Revision Software ID
This field is at offset 54h for the substrate layout design for the Intel® Itanium®
Processor 9300 Series.
The field at offset 54h is reserved for the Intel® Itanium® Processor 9500 Series.
6.4.7 Part Number Data
This section between 56h and 6Ah provides part tracing ability. It also includes the
processor’s base frequency at 65h-66h. Processor Part Number
Offset 56h-5Ch contains seven ASCII characters reflecting the Intel part number for the
processor. This information is typically marked on the outside of the processor. If the
part number is less than 7 characters, a leading space is inserted into the value.
Example: A processor with a part number of 80546KF will have data as 46h, 4bh, 36h,
34h, 35h, 30h, 38h starting at offset 56h. Processor Electronic Signature
Offset 5Dh-64h contains a unique 64-bit identification number. Base Frequency (Core)
Offset 65h-66h contain a bcd representation of core base frequency.
Example: A processor with a core base frequency of 1600 MHz will have data as 00, 16
starting at offset 65h. Base Frequency (Uncore)
Offset 67h-68h contain the uncore frequency for the Intel
Processor 9500
Example: a processor with an uncore frequency of 2.4 GHz will have data as 00, 24
starting at offset 67h.
6.4.8 Thermal Reference Data Recommended Thermalert Hot Assertion Byte
Offset 6Bh contains the thermalert threshold expressed as the number of degrees C
below the PROCHOT_N (thermal throttling) temperature in Hex format.