user manual

B. Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
1. What is a Network IP camera?
A Network IP Camera is a stand-alone device which allows a user to view live, full motion video
from anywhere on a computer network, even over the Internet, using a standard web-browser.
2. Are all Network IP cameras the same?
No, some network cameras have an embedded OS (operating system) as well as an embedded Web
server. To be called a Network IP camera, the only requirement is that the camera connects to the
network, and not a computer - an embedded OS is what separates network cameras.
3. Why Choose a Network IP Camera over a Web Camera?
An IP Camera is a true networking device containing an embedded OS (Operating System), supports
multiple users, and can be viewed using any web browser. It does not require additional hardware to
operate and therefore has the flexibility to be located anywhere with a network connection. A web
cam must be connected to a host computer, supports only one user at a time, and cannot be shared on
a network. Only the host computer can access the web cam.
4. What is the advantage of the embedded OS?
Cameras with an embedded OS communicate directly with the user; the images or video are sent
directly from the camera to the person(s) accessing it. A Network camera without an embedded OS
must rely on a third party server or a separate piece of software, meaning the images/video is sent to
the third party server, then the user accesses the image from the third party server.
5. Do I need a public fixed IP address for each camera?
No, you of course, can have a real, public, static IP address for each camera, however, using just one
static IP address for your router and a virtual server or port forwarding, you can use many cameras
with just one static IP. Please also note that the IP camera must have an adjustable web server port
(you must be able to change the web server port) to use multiple cameras behind a router.
6. Can I use the camera outside?
The Wireless Network IP Camera is designed for indoor use only.
7. What additional software is required?
Networking IP Cameras with an embedded Operating System (OS) should not need any additional