User's Manual

Fig. 10. Antenna alignment assistance.
Instead of using PING.exe, you can run Wireless Network Manager on Computer 1, and go to the
Antenna Alignment tab. Click Start to begin monitoring the WDS link quality. Adjust the alignment
of the antenna of Bridge 1 until the Link quality indicator shows a relatively maximal value. Finally,
click Stop to stop monitoring WDS link quality.
TIP: If you are doing dynamic bridging, you can use the Link Monitor feature on the AP Client side
to help you align the directional antennas. Refer to Section 3.2.4 for more information.
Fig. 11. Link monitor.
2.6. Setting up Client Computers
The TCP/IP and IEEE 802.11b-related settings of wireless client computers must match those of the
2.6.1. Configuring IEEE 802.11b-Related Settings
Before the TCP/IP networking system of a wireless client computer can communicate with other hosts,
the underlying wireless link must be established between this wireless computer and an AP.
To establish a wireless link to an AP:
1. Launch the configuration/monitoring utility provided by the vendor of the installed WLAN NIC.
2. Use the utility to make appropriate Operating Mode, SSID and WEP settings.
NOTE: A wireless client computer must be in infrastructure mode, so that it can associate with an
NOTE: The SSID of the wireless client computer and the SSID of the AP must be identical. Or, in
case the SSID broadcasts capability of the AP is enabled (by default), the SSID of the wireless client