User's Manual

Fig. 1: Mounting the IEEE 802.11b/g on a wall
2.3. Preparing for Configuration
For you to configure a IEEE 802.11b/g, a managing computer with a Web browser is needed. For
first-time configuration of an AP, an Ethernet network interface card (NIC) should have been installed
in the managing computer. For maintenance-configuration of a deployed AP, either a wireless com-
puter or a wired computer can be employed as the managing computer.
NOTE: If you are using the browser, Opera, to configure a IEEE 802.11b/g, click the menu item File,
click Preferences..., click File types, and edit the MIME type, text/html, to add a file extension
“.sht” so that Opera can work properly with the Web management pages of the AP.
Since the configuration/management protocol is HTTP-based, make sure that the IP address of the
managing computer and the IP address of the managed AP are in the same IP subnet (the default
IP address of an IEEE 802.11b/g is and the default subnet mask is
2.3.1. Connecting the Managing Computer and the AP
To connect the Ethernet managing computer and the managed IEEE 802.11b/g for first-time configu-
ration, you have two choices as illustrated in Fig. 2.