User's Manual

Table Of Contents
v Identification of non-IBM software problem sources.
v Installation of customer replaceable units (CRUs).
v Installation and configuration of machine code or licensed internal code
that is designated as customer installable.
If you do not register your computer with IBM, you might be required to
present proof of purchase to obtain warranty service.
Before you call for service
You can solve many problems without outside assistance by following the
troubleshooting procedures that IBM provides in the online help or in the
publications that are provided with your computer and software.
Most computers, operating systems, and application programs come with
information that contains troubleshooting procedures and explanations of
error messages and error codes. The information that comes with your
computer also describes the diagnostic tests that you can perform.
If you suspect a software problem, refer to the information for the operating
system or application program.
Calling for service
Please have the following information ready:
v Machine type, model, and serial number
v Description of the problem
v Exact wording of any error messages
v Hardware and software configuration information
To find the telephone number for the HelpCenter nearest you, see Telephone
numbers in Chapter 3. Getting help and service from IBM on page 33
IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Z125-4753-06 8/2000
This warranty statement consists of two parts: Part 1 and Part 2. Be sure to
read Part 1 and the country-unique terms in Part 2 that apply to your country
or region.
Part 1 - General Terms
This Statement of Limited Warranty includes Part 1 - General Terms and Part
2 - Country-unique Terms. The terms of Part 2 replace or modify those of Part
1. The warranties provided by IBM in this Statement of Limited Warranty
apply only to Machines you purchase for your use, and not for resale, from
IBM or your reseller. The term Machine means an IBM machine, its features,
conversions, upgrades, elements, or accessories, or any combination of them.
The term Machine does not include any software programs, whether
46 ThinkPad
T23 Special Business Use